Corporate Responsibility


Your Fund takes its responsibility as a corporate citizen seriously. It is committed to achieving its investment objectives through responsible corporate practices, and to improving and nurturing a more harmonious society, be it for its share owners, investors, or the community at large.


Share Owner Value

By adhering to its eclectic value investing philosophy, your Fund is committed to safeguarding share owners’ long-term interests by increasing its net asset value over the long-term, within levels of risk acceptable to value investing.


Community Engagement and Responsible Investing

As a relatively small, listed fund, we focus our initiatives on where our limited resources can have the greatest positive impact on the community. Therefore, we apply our corporate responsibility efforts by identifying areas where we can engage the community and encourage responsible investing.


The Investor Day

Ever since Tan Teng Boo pushed for your Fund to hold its inaugural Investor Day way back in 2010, your Fund Manager and Investment Adviser have been working diligently in organising the Investor Day annually, with the objective of educating the public on sound investing and to increase the awareness of Berhad. Believing strongly in the raison d’etre of your Fund that “serious long-term investing in Bursa Securities can offer superior returns”, your Fund Manager and Investment Adviser were not been paid any fees for undertaking these selfless but highly strenuous and demanding initiatives.


Empowering Youth

Your Fund, Fund Manager, and Investment Adviser believe firmly in empowering the youth through sound investment education. On behalf of your Fund, your Fund Manager has been actively engaging with the university students through all types of university activities and collaborations.

On 28 November 2023, the research team from your Fund Manager shared with over 120 students on the principles of compounding, financial statement analysis, and economic literacy during Industry, Community and Alumni Network (ICAN) Week organised by the Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The session received much positive feedback from the students.

In a well-received forum organised by University of Malaya’s Finance Association on 2 March 2024, your Investment Adviser took part and shared pertinent advice with the students on possible career paths in finance.

On 29 March 2024, one of your Fund Directors, Ms Tan Mun Lin, had the pleasure of giving a lecture on “Return on Invested Capital and Profitability Analysis” with the students from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Sg Long. In this session, students benefitted from learning the topic from both theoretical and industrial perspectives.

In line with your Fund’s objective of educating and empowering the students with proper investing knowledge, your Investment Adviser, at its own effort and costs, continued to reach out to the students by distributing its flagship investment publication, i Capital on a weekly basis to about 17 universities in the Klang Valley. The universities that have benefitted from this initiative are Universiti Malaya, Putra Business School, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Multimedia University, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Nottingham University, Sunway University, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, Xiamen University, UCSI University, HELP University, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Lincoln University College, and International Islamic University Malaysia. The initiative is well received by the said universities. Some lecturers are using i Capital as their teaching material; students found reading i Capital extremely useful as it enhances their understanding and mastery of the knowledge from their classes.


A Review of 2023

The 2023 Investor Day of Berhad

Asia’s most innovative investment event was again held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on 5 November 2023 with the key objective of educating the investing public on the benefits of sound investing. With the main theme of 'Why Now is the Right Time to Invest in Malaysia', 2023 Investor Day consisted of three tracks. As in the past, this event was full of top-quality programmes, featuring highly experienced speakers who shared their valuable insights on investing, business, and life.

Track 1 catered to experienced investors, where senior managers from some of the listed companies that your Fund invests in presented updates on their business. They were David Low Hock Keong (Group Chief Executive of OCK Group), Steven Ong Weng Leong (COO of Kelington Group), Tan Sri Dato' Chen Kooi Chiew @ Cheng Ngi Chong (Group Executive Chairman of MKH), Dato’ Tan Eng Hwa (CEO of APM Automotive Holdings), Dato’ Beh Huck Lee (Group Managing Director of EUPE Corporation), Dr Kenneth Gerard Pereira (Managing Director of Hibiscus Petroleum), and Kevin Khoo Chung Shin (Group COO of Unisem (M)). Dr Lorenzo Casavecchia, a senior finance lecturer from University of Technology Sydney presented his research on the NAV and price performance of your Fund. Most importantly, in a very rare integrated multi-sector case study, the Designated Person, Tan Teng Boo, shared his valuable insights on why now is the right time to invest in Malaysia.

With the objective of reaching out to the less experienced investors, Track 2 was created in the 2023 Investor Day. In this Track, various educational topics were provided for those who are looking for how and where to begin their investment journey. A thought-provoking panel discussion involving professional financial planners and Capital Dynamics was held where they discussed the likelihood of one retiring at 40. Another forum discussed if choosing a career is similar to choosing a spouse and consisted of speakers who are successful in their respective fields and university student representatives. Participants were also filled in with the shorter-term of Malaysia from the head of research of an established stockbroking company. The research team from your Investment Adviser and Fund Manager shared their valuable skills in financial statement analysis, value investing, compound return and explained the importance of economic literacy. Participants were also introduced to the many benefits of joining the ICAP Fan Club (see the ICAP Fan Club section below for more details).

Out of over 1,800 participants who attended the 2023 Investor Day, 228 were students from University of Malaya, Putra Business School, TARUMT, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar campus, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, UiTM, Nottingham University, Asia Pacific University, International Islamic University Malaysia and Reading University Johor. They found that the talks are useful for them.


Inaugural i Capital Talent Show

In an expansion of their corporate responsibility, especially in providing opportunities for young Malaysians, Capital Dynamics and Berhad conducted the inaugural i Capital Talent Show, an exciting talent competition targeting university students where they could unleash their talents through all types of performances, such as dances, music, plays, martial arts, etc. The competition consisted of two stages: in Stage 1, participants were required to submit 2-minute videos online for voting; in Stage 2, finalists from Individual and Group acts were chosen to perform live on 5th November at the 2023 Investor Day.

The talents of young Malaysians were truly amazing, across a very wide range. The winners were:

Individual Category

Champion: Harvard Sandar - Geomatika University College

1st Runner-Up: Pasqueletta Joan Paulus - Institut Pengajian Guru

2nd Runner-Up: Lim Ke Xin - Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT)

Group Category

Champion: “Seven” from TAR UMT, Sunway University, and Asia Pacific University

1st Runner-Up: “Shooterzzz” from Sunway University and Monash University

2nd Runner-Up: “Virus A” from TAR UMT

Parents and the young participants expressed their heartfelt gratitude to your Fund and Fund Manager for giving the young Malaysians such great opportunity to showcase their talents. With the success of the Inaugural Talent show, your Fund and Fund Manager have decided to make the i Capital Talent Show an annual event.


What Is Ahead For 2024?

20th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

It has been a tradition for your Fund to organise its AGM on a Saturday for share owners’ convenience. To be held on 26th October, the AGM for 2024 is no different. Believing that individual share owners are the heart and soul of your Fund, the objective is to facilitate better and more effective share owner engagement through more sharing by the Designated Person and Q&A session.


The 2024 Investor Day of Berhad

For the convenience of the share owners, their families and friends, the 2024 Investor Day of Berhad is again held on a weekend, comprising the afternoon of 26th October and the whole day of 27th October 2024 at the KL Convention Center.

Prepare for a unique experience with two carefully curated tracks and an additional half-day special talk designed to cater to different investment interests.


Day 1 - Saturday, 26th October

"How A "Romantic" Entrepreneur Found Success By Dreaming Beyond Money"

Amidst concerns about rising cost of living, job security, and whether the country is heading in the right direction, it’s easy to be confused and feel overwhelmed.

Given the current circumstances, can you take matters into your own hands and lead a richer and more successful life? What if the key to thriving lies in self-discovery and self-improvement?

As a CEO, and even as adjunct professor at University Technology Sydney, Tan Teng Boo works the hardest, yet he is also able to enjoy work-life balance. Now, you ask, how can you achieve that? Also, learn from him how to be smart without being born smart. Let him open your mind and heart to new possibilities - essential for anyone in their 20s, 40s, or even 70s.

Join Tan Teng Boo for an inspiring talk at 2.00 pm on Saturday, 26th October at the KLCC that delves into the intriguing journey of this “romantic” entrepreneur.

This interactive talk allows you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Let’s explore together in one afternoon how embracing a “romantic” vision can lead to profound success - both personally and professionally. Don’t just hope for a better future; learn how to create it.


Day 2 – Tracks 1 and 2, Sunday, 27th October

For those experienced in investing, with numerous presentations and interactive Q&As with the CEOs and senior managers of selected listed companies that your Fund invested in, Track 1 will be most relevant to engage in.

In probably the most important talk in the 2023 Investor Day, Tan Teng Boo gave a rare but very timely bullish longer-term presentation of the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange. Since then, the previously lethargic KL market has been rallying.

Will this new found bullishness on the KL stock market continue or is time to sell?

In the 2024 Investor Day, Tan Teng Boo will provide his vital update for Malaysia. Teng Boo’s presentation will also include his longer-term view of Berhad.

In this year’s Investor Day, the presentation by SAM Engineering, a core holding of Berhad, is not to be missed. For investors keen in the semiconductor industry, Kevin Khoo from Unisem will provide a timely update. As it enters the final lap, Capital A will be providing crucial updates on their complex but exciting restructuring.

Hibiscus Petroleum, Kelington and APM will also return in the 2024 Investor Day to share with investors what the future is in store for them.

Track 2 on 27th October is meticulously designed for those who are not so well-versed with investing, whatever their age may be.

In a session not to be missed, two middle-aged professionals will share their true experience in how i Capital transformed their lives in the 1990s when they were only undergraduate students. Then, in one of the best kept investing secrets - build a mere RM55,000 into a staggering RM3.6 million. For EPF contributors, Track 2 will feature a forum led by a senior EPF official, with special focus on managing your EPF Account 3.

Join us for foundational sessions that cover the essentials of becoming an investor, the types of investment vehicles available, the essential skills in analysing financial statements, and what top-down and bottom-up fundamental analysis mean.

Ms Tan Mun Lin will share her career success story, starting from an intern to being deputy group CEO of Capital Dynamics.

Lastly, Teng Boo will also grace Track 2 to unveil an irresistible investment destination, one that every investor, seasoned or novice, should seriously consider.

Scan the QR code for the full programme and registration of the 2024 Investor Day.



2024 Budding Value Investor Award (BVIA)

The BVIA, Asia’s first and only global investment research competition, sponsored by Berhad and Capital Dynamics, aims to encourage university students from all disciplines all over the world to acquire knowledge about sound investing and the benefits it offers. With the conviction of educating investors early on and championing the benefits of value investing, your Fund Manager is organizing this not-for-profit research competition for the 4th time this year.

Like the past iterations of BVIA, the 2024 BVIA consists of 2 stages: the Preliminary stage which takes the form of an essay and investment research, and the Final stage which will require the finalists to present their investment research live on 30 November 2024 in Kuala Lumpur. Participants can participate individually or form a group of up to 3 team members and compete to win attractive cash prizes and rewards worth RM25,000.00. As of the cut-off date of the Preliminary Stage on 15 September 2024, we have received registrations from 107 teams consisting of 70 individual participants and 37 groups, from over 40 universities and 8 countries.

The Final Stage of the 2024 BVIA will be physical and will take place on Saturday, 30 November 2024 at Wisma MCA in Kuala Lumpur. This year’s topic is “Chinese stocks are now cheap in terms of valuation. Do they present an opportunity or are they a value trap?”. Five to six teams will be shortlisted to present their research on said topic and their choice of Chinese stock live during the Final Stage. Their research and presentations will be assessed by an esteemed panel of judges consisting of Michael Block, veteran investment manager from Australia, John Chia, executive chairman of Unisem Group Malaysia, and Tan Teng Boo, your Fund’s Designated Person. Attendance is free and shareowners of ICAP are given priority in registrations for the Final Stage of 2024 BVIA. Follow our websites and social media for the registration details!


2024 i Capital Talent Show

Following the success of the 2023 i Capital Talent Show, Berhad and Capital Dynamics are proud to organise and sponsor the unique 2024 i Capital Talent Show, aimed at showcasing the extraordinary talents of Malaysian university students across various disciplines. This exciting event will feature a diverse array of performances, from solo acts to large-scale productions, highlighting the exceptional skills and creativity of young Malaysian talents in fields such as instrumental music, comedy, singing, dance, and more.

The 2024 i Capital Talent Show consists of 2 stages: In Stage 1, participants are required to record a maximum of 3-minute video (1 minute of self-introduction, 2 minutes of performance) displaying their talent(s) and submit it to the Organizer by 31 October 2024, 5pm. In the Final stage, 10 individual submissions and 10 group submissions in Stage 1 with the highest total marks will be selected as finalists. Finalists will perform live on Saturday, 14 December 2024 in Kuala Lumpur. Three solo acts and three group acts with the highest total marks will be selected as winners and win total prizes of RM23,000.

Registration for Stage 1 is now open. Do encourage your children, friends or relatives who are active students in universities and colleges to take part in this exciting competition to showcase their talents. Please visit for more details and to register.

Attendance is free and shareowners of ICAP are given priority in registrations for the Final Stage of the 2024 i Capital Talent Show. Follow our websites and social media for the registration details!


ICAP Fan Club


First suggested by Tan Teng Boo, your Fund’s Designated Person, in the 2022 AGM of Berhad, the ICAP Fan Club (Registration No: PPM-033-14-27122023) was finally established on 27 December 2023. Opened only to individual memberships, we are proud that it is Asia Pacific's first fan club of its kind. By 31 August 2024, the Club has made an excellent start and already has 89 members, all of whom are united by their interest in sound long-term investing and the long-term interests of Berhad.

The Club’s inaugural meeting was a historic event. Held on 13 July 2024 at Nucre Patisseries, Kuala Lumpur, the Club’s first-ever meeting brought together 83 individuals for a session filled with insightful discussions and meaningful connections. In line with the Club’s initial objectives, it was not just a meeting but the beginning of a shared journey — one that fosters a deeper understanding of sound longterm investing while building a supportive, like-minded community, no matter the size of share ownership, gender or age.

On 16 July 2024, the ICAP Fan Club organised its first research visit to APM Automotive Holdings Berhad. This was a paid activity intentionally catering to a relatively small group so that the learning process was more efficient. The day long visit consisted of a briefing by the CEO of APM Automotive Dato’ Robert Tan followed by a tour of APM’s key production facilities. Before the start of the research visit, Tan Teng Boo gave a talk on the importance of such research activities and recommended 2 investment classics : “Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits” written by Philip Fisher in 1958 and “The Interpretation of Financial Statements” written by Benjamin Graham in 1937. The entire research visit was an exclusive opportunity that investors cannot find elsewhere. It was a transformative experience that underscored the importance of thorough research and analysis when making decisions about investing.

Looking ahead, there are more activities lined up for the Club. Upcoming events include a fireside chat to be held in Penang. We hope more shareowners from around Penang will join the ICAP Fan Club and attend the fireside chat. It is the intention of the Club to hold this fireside chat series in other major cities. There will also be more research visits, talks and social activities. Let us also not forget about the highly anticipated ICAPFC Annual Gathering where members can meet, network, and celebrate their shared passion for sound investing.

By becoming a member of the ICAP Fan Club, you help us build a community whose values are more than just about money; where the mission is to make our community a better place by empowering people with the right attitudes in business, investing and life. Be they students, budding value investors, parents, or retirees. At the same time, gain exclusive access to future events, expand your investment knowledge, and build lasting connections with fellow share owners of Berhad. For more information and to sign up, visit Feel free to contribute your ideas of activities to our official email,

Scan the QR code to register as an ICAP Fan Club member.
